I am currently working on how to pull some last final thoughts together before I can really film, but today I have a very brief post for everyone today. I already mentioned I would be looking for music more in depth and of course a life saver heard my calls and answered. A friend of mine had been using a website to find copy-right free music online with the ability to search specific types of music to use without having to worry about emailing anyone and making the whole production process much easier. I was introduced to this website this week, and I am still discovering what I can do, but I am extremely thankful that I was notified of this as soon as I needed it.
The app/website is called chosic.com and gives access to many genres of music and the ability to discover new sounds.
There are also tools that can be utilized as shown below in the website.
Though, right now I am only mentioning it, I plan to take the time and really dive into this website and use it to its full extent to help me with my film opening.
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