Brianna's Media Studies Portfolio
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Monday, April 5, 2021
Sunday, April 4, 2021
During this project, I had doubted myself a lot. From the beginning I was afraid of moving forward and creating what I know with the knowledge I have acquired throughout the year. I felt like my ideas were very lacking and unoriginal and no matter what I did I could'nt find the perfect storyline that really stuck out to me.
One day I was day dreaming in class and started to imagine one of my favorite Netflix Shows, "Your Lie In April", and I decided to incorporate it into my project. This might've been the best decision I made throughout my process and I am so glad that I did, because it pushed me to try harder to create a film like my favorite. Since then, my brain had been overflowing with ideas and a perfect picture of how my film was going to come out. Though my expectations were extremely high in comparison to my limited experience, I managed to make my film.
The process of doing this and majority indeoendently, makes me incredibly proud and grateful. Big "Thank You" to everyone who helped me out including my actors and just classmates that gave me advice. It was a long and difficult process, but I would just like to say, I AM DONE!
Saturday, April 3, 2021
My Almost Final Goodbyes
Hello everyone! Today is a special day for me because it may be my last and final post before submitting my project. It has really been a long ride of stress, excitement, and exhaustion and I feel very fulfilled with all of my progress to this point. The past several weeks have really worked my brain overtime and though it was fun, I am glad to present everything I have put together.
In the past few posts I mentioned how my filming was messed up but I managed to get through it and I want to share some clips from this project. I won’t share any actual videos from my filming, but of course here are pictures of a couple of my shots as well as me editing my film together. I have been postponing this post for a bit and I just wanted it to come right towards the end.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Actor Introduction
Along with my music and sound ideas, I’ve also talked quite extensively about my characters and character representation. I just wanted to touch up on this subject again just to introduce my actors and how I am going to change part of my ideas.
Andi: Sophia Scribani
She will be playing the quiet and shy Andi who is extremely talented and despite her profound deafness can excellently play the piano. Though Sophia does not have an entire knowledge of playing classical music and the piano, a utilization of different camera shots and angles will come into play to make it look like she is playing the piece perfectly. For the costume choice, I wanted to stick to something similar to my original board of ideas and aesthetic I mentioned in the beginning of my process.
Vera: Kailey Fretwell
Kailey will be playing Vera, the love interest and soon-to-be friend of Andi. As suggested by the plot and the shots in my storyboard, Vera is very curious about the world. She sees brightness and joy in a lot of things and will be stunned by Andi and her playing. Though not immediately falling in love with Andi, she is extremely intrigued by her and finding out that she is Deaf makes her want to keep following her life. Vera may be dressed more casually than suggested by her board, though still keeping the colorful and odd look that makes her unique.
Though I originally made Andi the main character, I think the story may eventually follow both characters and their thoughts and feelings for eachother to show the growth of their emotions that bring them from strangers, to friends, to lovers. I imagine later in the story both characters will learn to love each other’s interests and figure out what makes the other person so special.
Friday, March 26, 2021
More sounds
After weeks of wondering and questioning about all of my ideas and choices for this project, one of the most difficult ones has been for this piano song. This will play the part of the music in my film opening and I wanted to choose something that a typical piano player of that age may be playing; however, take into account the difficulty and my actors ability to play the song. I want to go for a more classical sound, but, I may scrap that idea completely if I find a song I connect with and enjoy listening to. With the few apps I mentioned, as well as the internet I will be searching for the perfect song.
And with that last note, I found the one that felt the best with what I wanted to convey. I searched for hours on Chosic with no clue where I would end up. For a while I considered Beethoven songs as a foreshadowing or suggestion that shows that Andi is also a Deaf pianist, but I could not find any of his songs that really stuck out to me. After a long time of searching I had kind of given up and picked one at random but it still did not seem to fit the more I kept listening to it. I wanted to continue looking just to see if I would discover something better. Finally I decided on the song Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 2 No. 1 – I. Allegro.
This song has a decent level of difficulty and won’t be extremely hard to mask the fact that my actress may not be able to play this piece. It also has a fast enough tempo to grab the attention of people in another room, which would be Vera. Overall, it is very intriguing and is a good fit for the plot of my film opening. I am already planning how it will perfectly fit in with the tone I intend to create with each shot.
This was so exciting to see as I am finishing up with everything before filming and I am extremely eager to start.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
More and More Apps
Because of the mishap with everything involving filming and scheduling, I will not be able to provide any clips or pieces from my opening. Eventually I will be able to show everyone the great progress that I have made, but for now I am feeling a bit stuck on what else to talk about.
As I have mentioned about one million times before, sound techniques are very important within the creation of my film. I’ve decided to utilize a few more apps to help me out in my process to get the desired product.
A while ago, while working on a soundscape project for this class we were asked to find/create sound effects to tell a story. Essentially I will be using the same apps to help me put together all of my music and foley sounds. It is called Video Copy, and it allows me to take clips or links from previously made videos and clip the section I would like to utilize. It also gives access to use videos from my camera roll; this way I can save recordings and edit them on this app. One of the images shows a few clips from my soundscape project that I did.
Overall, using this app will be very helpful in creating different sections of my music and being able to layer some of my sounds together before adding it to my video. I am really excited for more progress on my music and video.